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Paso 1:
Elige tu estilo

Estos son algunos ejemplos de los trabajos que he realizado. Todos ellos tienen una historia que contar, un recuerdo que perdurará para siempre. 

Gracias a todos mis clientes por compartir sus historias y permitirme mostrar sus fotos, su experiencia y sus retratos finales. 


Este estilo está hecho con diferentes tipos de lápices, lo que me permite crear diferentes tonos. Dibujo este estilo en papel pesado. (El marco no está incluido)

Adriana Polanco

Adriana Polanco



Joel's dad passed away very unexpected, his cousin never had the chance to take a picture with his favorite uncle. This portrait I draw it with pencils mostly charcoals. 13"x19"



Pamela wanted to look like a Mexican movie star, like in the golden years of Mexican actresses, something simple but the same time, very classy. This portrait was made with pencils and soft charcoal. 24"x36"

Adriana Polanco

Adriana Polanco



Angie wanted a drawing with her husband and baby. She liked this 2 different pictures and she want me to create like they were together.

The Bride

The Bride

Carolina wanted a special gift for her daughter. This portrait was done with only pencils as she requested. 20"x30"

Andres Family

Andres Family

Andres did not have any picture of his whole family together that would please all of them, he was happy with the final result. This portrait was done with pencils on heavy coated paper, 24"x36"



Marco wanted a special gift for his father on Father's Day, he said that his Dad cried when he got the drawing.



Maria wanted to look beautiful and keep that memory in an art portrait.

Adriana Polanco

Adriana Polanco



Robert and his baby, he wanted no just a picture, he wanted a piece of art, where his daughters can keep it for ever. This Portrait was done with different type of pencils 24"x36" on heavy coated paper.



Bianca found a picture of her house in a old news paper, it was her block from the early 1900's. This picture was made with pencils and charcoals. 24"x36"

Clau's Dog

Clau's Dog

Claudia wanted surprise her boyfriend with his pet, almost son. This drawing was done with pencils and soft charcoal, on heavy coated paper. 20"x30"


En este estilo, dibujo las imágenes digitalmente en mi computadora, creando la ilusión de tener un retrato de acrílico real. (Incluye un marco de madera en la parte trasera de 0.75")



Mariela wanted a family portrait where all of them where smiling.

Faby Parents

Faby Parents

Faby wanted a special gift for her parents, all smiling.



Chirsta's wanted a portrait of her baby with her grampa, because he passed away before he was born.



Fabiola wanted a portrait for herself.

Happy Grandma

Happy Grandma

Karen, did not have a picture of her mother-in-law and her baby because she passed away before he was born. A beautiful present for her husband.



Karla's son

Karla's son

Karla's son and his dog, she just wanted a picture together she said that he loves his pet.

Restauración de Fotos Antiguas

No es sólo una foto restaurada, es un recuerdo reavivado.

Con nuestros servicios de restauración de fotografías, esos momentos perduran. Trataré tus fotos con el cuidado que merece una reliquia familiar. Con la restauración de fotos, puedo convertir su imagen de blanco y negro a todo color. 

Dimitri's Mom

Dimitri's Mom

Dimitiri wanted to see the color green in his mom's eyes, and the red on her lips that she always use to used. He was very pleased to see the final result.



Karla wanted me to restored the picture of her mother in law and add her husband with her, then they can have a picture together.

Griselda granparents

Griselda granparents

Griselda's father never had the chance to have a picture of his parents together.



Guillermina, wanted to see her favorite photo in full color.

Gudalupe's Father

Gudalupe's Father

Guadalupe was sad, because the only picture of her father was so deteriorated, and she thought that I would not be available to save it. She loved the final result.

Maria's parents

Maria's parents

Maria wanted to surprised her parents by adding color to their wedding picture.

Albert's Mom

Albert's Mom

The original picture was a photo from a diploma size, old and with this yellow color from the years that it has been taken. I restored and I added color to it.

Anita's mom

Anita's mom

I converted this picture from black and white to full color, plus I did a completed restoration.

Claudia's Grampa

Claudia's Grampa


En este estilo de pintura trabajo principalmente por comisión. Hago dibujos o pintura con acrílicos, tinta china, pasteles suaves, etc. Estoy abierta a hacer lo que sea tengas en mente.  (Los acrílicos pueden ser sobre lienzo con un marco de madera trasera de 0.75" incluida, también se puede hacer en diferentes lienzos como papel, madera, aluminio etc.  )

Freya's Tears

Freya's Tears



I Met a friend that he told me that he was tormented by his thoughts, that his head was a chaos. The way he was feeling desperate, Inspire me to do this painting.



Isis was an acrylics portrait for her quinceanera.

The Starry Night

The Starry Night

Water Lilies

Water Lilies

Woman in the Couch

Woman in the Couch

This is a replica of one of my favorite painter Loui Jover.

The Three Stages

The Three Stages

This a short replica of the "The Three Stages" of Gustav Klimt. Where it shows the love of a mother and a child.

La Llorona

La Llorona

"La Llorona" (The whipper) can to me as inspiration when I was reading a letter of Frida Kahlo to her husband and the song of "La Llorona" with Chavela Vargas.

The Old Guitarrist

The Old Guitarrist

A beautiful replica of not well know of the blue stage of Pablo Picasso.

Diego's Frida Naked

Diego's Frida Naked

The original lines of this image was a drawing that Diego Rivera made for his wife Frida. I love it and I mix it with the style of another of my favorite artist, Loui Jover.



¿Tienes un estilo favorito? Ahora elijamos el tamaño

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