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Step 3:
Choose The Size


The final the price cannot be published as a fixed fee, because for me as the artist who makes the artwork, is very difficult to just guess how much time and material will being needed to make it. Sometimes I have to draw or paint a person with a plain t-shirt and no more details like hats, logos, jewelry or specific fabric or sometimes I have been asked to draw or paint a bride with crown and flowers or backgrounds, etc.


That is the reason why I cannot present a chart with the exact prices because I preferred to be honest and just to charge you for the work that I have to do.


The final prices also depend upon its size and number of subjects (people, pets, cars, etc.) to be drawn or painted.


Please be advised that the prices presented here is just an estimate of how much could beThe exact amount of your final price will be send it to you in a quatation, as soon as you have sent me the pictures to be drawn and that we have talked about your favorite style and size.


If you have more questions please contact me at (708) 515-5082 



Thank you!

All Artwork Estimate Prices

Each subject can be from $49 up to $79+Cost of Material
(for an exact price please send the picture that you may want by text or email)

Pencils Sizes

Pencil Sizes

Pencil Sizes are done in heavy coated paper, it does not include the frame.

Digital Color, Acrylics or Free Style on Canvas

Digital Color Canvas or Acrylic

These sizes are for Digital Color Canvas or Acrylics or any other media selected on Free Style. Back Wood frame of 0.75" is included in each artwork and it can be updated to 1.5" deep for $20 more.

Are you ready to order?

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